Monday, August 17, 2009

Affairs of Face cast finalized

As of tonight, "Affairs of Face" has been cast.

Steve: David Yen
Eric: Matt Farrell
Carrie: Laura Tennyson
Meadow: Denise Elia
Molly: Maria Magdalena Giordano
Sarah: Karen True
Marshall: Len Improta
Paul: Elliot Simon

The project is a team effort, led/directed by David Yen.

Production Assistants: Jonathan Johns, Jon Rathjen

Please join us for this groundbreaking work! Episode schedule can be found on the Affairs of Face blogspot page.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Interesting quote

From Elizabeth Bibesco, an early twentieth-century writer of short stories, plays, and poetry:
"To others we are not ourselves but a performer in their lives cast for a part we do not even know that we are playing."
This is similar, in many ways, to the Bard's "All the world's a stage" monolog (As You Like It, II.vii.):
All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts....
This theme is foundational to this company--that we, as people, fulfill roels in one another's lives in ways we cannot predict, do not fathom, and often do not expect.